Case Study Details:

Properties such as car garages tend to require frequent cleaning as they are subject to their fair share of oil spills. While most products can easily be cleaned, oil can be a stubborn substance to remove, as it often spreads into the cracks of tiles. Without professional cleaning, over time, oil spills can make the flooring look dirty and cause slip hazards. A client contacted the Facilities Company team in need of a deep floor clean of their garage to remove product spillage and tyre marks.

Client Requests & What We Did:

Due to the use of the property, the team decided that a scrubber dryer was the best option to ensure that the product and any marks on the floor were removed effectively and quickly. The scrubber dryer uses two rotating brushes to not only wash but scrub the floor, helping to remove any dirt from the surface and the cracks. After cleaning the floor, the tiles will be wet, so the team completed this service out of the garages working hours to avoid disruption.

As you can see from the images below, the floor now looks spotless, and no longer has dangerous oil spills that could cause injury. If you would like to book a similar service, then please feel free to contact our team about our commercial cleaning in Milton Keynes.


Case Study Photos

Client Feedback

"We contacted the team at short notice, and they were more than happy to help us out. Our team felt that the floor needed a good clean so that it not only provided a safe workspace, but also looks professional for our clients. Thank you again to the team. We will be booking in for another floor clean again."